Tasbeeh Beads - How do you pray with Beads Tasbeeh?

Hold the prayer tasbeeh between your thumb and index finger and feed it through your fingers each time you repeat “Alhamdulillah” aloud or in your mind. Do this 33 times until your fingers meet the next divider bead. “Alhamdulillah” means “all thanks and praises be to Allah” and it's a common prayer to express gratitude. Tasbih Prayer Importance in Islam The prayer tasbeeh are traditionally used to keep count while saying the prayer. The prayer is considered a form of dhikr that involves the repetitive utterances of short sentences in the praise and glorification of Allah, in Islam . If you have never heard of tasbeeh beads , don't fret. I won't tell you they are a lost art from the Stone Age ; nor will I attempt to explain their mystical significance or their practical application. Suffice it to say that they are a very popular alternative to beads used for Wicca, meditation and prayer. If you haven't ever considered using them, what are they and why have t...